This is the sprint at the end of the athens 3/4 race. GRRR it always helps to make my mean face. I'm not going to say much about this weekend. I felt pretty strong in both races. Roswell basically screwed 3/4's of the field over by not announcing the last lap. Guess human error happens, but twice in the same day!! Then they screwed up our placings and by what I could tell they were having problems with the other categories too. Moral of the story, never trust the officials, they are probably wacko. I will always check the lap countdown and sit and wait for 2 hours until they post the results to make sure they are correct. Apparently a camera finish isn't substancial enough to figure out who crossed the line when! Gaaah! Enough about that.
I started my new job yesterday. It seems cool enough, and tolerable, then main thing! Next weekend I'm doing a 54 miles cat 3/4 race, should be interesting.
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